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Collider Questions

A video iconWorried about black holes? Or just curious how the Large Hadron Collider works?

The Large Hadron Collider, one of the most powerful, expensive and exciting projects in the history of particle physics, will power up again this fall, continuing its exploration of our universe's tiniest building blocks.

What do the innards of the collider look like, and how do they work? CERN has put together a very clear, concise video clip that shows exactly how the collider speeds up protons and prepares them for physics-altering collisions.

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To get this unique insider's view of the LHC, just click here.

Worried that the LHC will produce world-swallowing black holes? Or catastrophic explosions of anti-matter? If Dan Brown's Angels & Demons has you thinking about CERN as the designer of our imminent doom, you might be comforted by CERN's published reports on the safety and security of the Large Hadron Collider. Learn why even Steven Hawking thinks the LHC is safe.


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Collider Questions

A video iconWorried about black holes? Or just curious how the Large Hadron Collider works?

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