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Visualize This


A bubble chart

Explore data visualizations that reveal patterns never seen before.

How many total commuters are there in your home state, and how many of them commute by bicycle? How does your state compare to others in terms of bicycle fatalities? 

To find out, you can view and "click around" Kory Nortrop's award-winning "Bicycling Commuting Trends in the United States" for state-by-state comparative data.

You can also view Northrop's personal "Bicycling Commuting Breakdown," an interactive graphic that shows his daily bicycle usage over the last year. The data for the chart is was collected by the cyclometer mounted on his bicycle. Hover over a bubble to get each day's data.

Ever try to comprehend where a world population of seven billion resides? Derek Watkins has. His "Squinty Eyed Look at Population Densities" reveals, through the magic of an interactive toggle bar, where the greatest population densities in the world reside.

You can also check out other data visualizations on his blog, including  "Who Decides the Ugliness of a Place."


Read the Cascade story.

Online Extras

Tango, Too

A woman sitting in front of a bookcase Cinema studies professor Kathleen Karlyn has a passion for tango.

Visualize This


A bubble chart

Explore data visualizations that reveal patterns never seen before.

The Chemists' Formula

A man experimenting with a bottle

A biochemist and two chemistry alums apply their science to the art of homebrew and winemaking.

"Loved for Their Music"

Dancer.jpgWhile reviled as a people, the Roma of Eastern Europe are revered for their music.

Forced to Flee

wooten.jpgAnthropologist Stephen Wooten was an eyewitness to a recent coup d'etat in Mali.

High-Performance Hub

LewisBldgCropped.jpgThe new Lewis Integrative Science Building sets the stage for a new era of UO research.


SelkerCropped.jpgMore than 400 awards were bestowed on College faculty, staff and students in 2011-12.